Users pay only for the time they use on DeviceAnywhere in a pay-as-you-go format rather than a fixed cost from which they may not get their money's worth. 用户只需要支付在DeviceAnywhere上使用的时长按时计费形式而不是用户不能获得金钱的价值的固定的花费。
How are you going to know how to get your money's worth when you shop? 每当你去商店购物时,你怎样才能知道你的钱花得物有所值呢?
Shopping with friends may be bad news for your bank balance, but at least you'll get your money's worth. 对于你的银行余额来说,与闺蜜逛街可能不是什么好消息。不过至少你可以让你的钱花得值得。
Buying a book creates pressure to finish and get your money's worth, she adds. 她说,买书会造成带来压力,让人感觉必须把它读完才能物有所值。
We were determined to get our money's worth from our day tickets and went to every museum in the city. 我们决心要使当天来回车票的钱花得值,于是去了城市中的每一个博物馆。
Are we getting our money's worth? An eminent educationist is now asking it loud and clear. 我们的钱化得值吗?一位著名的教育学家公开地问出了这个问题。
I was determined to get my money's worth out of eurodisney& we were there when the gates opened and we stayed till it closed. 我下决心要让玩欧洲迪斯尼的这笔钱花得值,我们开门时进去,呆到关门。
I would like to make sure that I get my money's worth. 我想确认我的钱花得是否值。
Money makes the world go round. it's just worth less and less. 钱让世界运转。但越来越不值钱。
We enjoyed the film so much that we felt we'd got our money's worth. 我们很喜欢这部电影,觉得这钱花得值。
Having bought the shoes, you incurred an actual, or "sunk," cost, and you are going to keep them around in the hope that eventually you will get your money's worth out of them. 买这双鞋子时,你就已花费了实际的「沉没成本」,你会把东西留著,期望有一天你花的钱会变得值得。
For my money, it's not worth the trouble. 在我看来,不值得这样费力。
Enjoying living was learning to get your money's worth and knowing when you had it. 享受生活的乐趣就是学会把钱花得合算,而且明白什么时候正花得合算。
Get there early to make sure you get your money's worth. 早点到那儿以确保你的钱花得值。
Neuman and Newberry will certainly be getting their money's worth. 诺尔曼和纽巴瑞一定会觉得他们的钱值了。
The new car cost a lot of money, but it's certainly worth it. 买这辆新汽车花了很多钱,但确实物有所值。
But didn't get your money's worth. 没想到钱花出去打了水漂。
Classes are considered services, and parents are eager to get their money's worth from their children's education. 上课被视为服务类项目,家长们急于看到自己孩子接受的教育与自己所花的钱相比,物有所值。
"Little tyke wants his money's worth, just like his father.'Atta boy, Dudley!" He ruffled Dudley's hair. “小家伙就像他爸爸那样懂得欣赏钱的价值。好样的!”他抚弄着达力的头发。
To ensure your money's worth, the "Haute" cold dessert comes in a goblet that is banded with gold and decorated with diamonds: 1 carat of them, along with a take-home golden spoon. 为保证你的钱花得不冤枉,这款甜品放置在一个镶金的高脚杯中,还装饰有1克拉的钻石,另外你还可以把享用甜品时用的金勺子带回家。
"Although you'll have to spend a large sum on sending the kie to school, you still get your money's worth" 虽然你送孩子上学得花一大笔钱。可这钱花得值
The Corleone family has big dough invested here and we're not getting our money's worth, but I still didn't come here to abuse you. 考利昂家族在这儿投资了大量的钱,而我们却得不到相应的报酬。但是即使如此,我这次到这儿来也不是为了指责你。
She's had her money's worth out of that dress& she's been wearing it for years. 她那套服装本钱都穿出来了&她穿了很多年了。
She always likes to get her money's worth. 她花钱总是物有所值。
No doubt, good money will go into the celebrations but it's worth it as long as they succeed in generating nation-wide cheer and bringing people together. 这一番庆祝无疑将耗费巨大,但只要能造成万众欢腾、全民同乐的气氛,这钱便值得花;
I stopped playing World of Warcraft because of the subscription fee. I loved the game, but in order to get my money's worth, I felt like I needed to play more than is healthy. 我不再玩魔兽也是因为月租,我喜欢玩游戏,但是我觉得钱要花的物有所值,我觉得应该把钱花在更值得的地方。
I always insist on getting my money's worth. 我一直坚持花钱要花得值得。
Well, money's worth having because, among other things, you can buy ice cream with it. ,因为不算其他,你可以用钱买冰淇淋。